Friday, December 17, 2010

Awaken this City- June 2010- Spring Lake Park-Texarkana, Texas

June 2010
Josh ministering to the crowd at Spring Lake Park.

Josh and Sandy telling the audience about the 100 year anniversary of a great revival in Texarkana.

Josh ministering while the choir worships.

Sandy ministering to a woman at the altar call.


Jan Stevens said...

I am so proud of you and Josh. You are winning so many souls into God's Kingdom. You family is precious! Your trust and faith is evident in the pictures you have posted. Thank you for all that you do. Love, Mom (Jan Stevens)

Anonymous said...

Hey bro! This is awesome! Finally I can keep up with your family other than the phone! I love u and I am proud to call u my brother! Until we see HIS face...we will not relent!