Friday, December 17, 2010

Awaken this City- June 2010- Spring Lake Park-Texarkana, Texas

June 2010
Josh ministering to the crowd at Spring Lake Park.

Josh and Sandy telling the audience about the 100 year anniversary of a great revival in Texarkana.

Josh ministering while the choir worships.

Sandy ministering to a woman at the altar call.

Welcome to our blog!

Hello, this is our blog documenting our ministry journey.  What a blessed life we have!  We witness people healed, delivered, and set free in the precious name of Jesus!  We have served as the associate pastors of Texarkana Christian Center Family Church since December of 2006.  Ministry also takes us outside the walls of our church.  We have been honored to host a city-wide Awakening, youth camps, and to preach, teach, and lead worship at retreats and many other special events.  We hope that you will follow along with us as we post commentaries, photos, and videos.   The Lord is moving mightily in these last days and we are excited to be a part of a great awakening to God in America and around the world!