Friday, June 29, 2012

Impact Camp 2012


To view more photos, click here and visit  Sandy's Facebook !

Impact 2012 was the best camp yet!  We had 194 students and leaders with 33 being from BelieversWay Amarillo and Midland.  The students were blessed to listen to 15 different anointed speakers who encouraged them that “Nothing Can Hold You Back!” which was our theme this year.  Speakers challenged the students to get into the Word of God themselves, pray in the Spirit, and seek God on decisions! Each speaker taught the students strategies for daily victory! 

God moved in a powerful way in all the services!  The students pressed in to receive from the Lord, even during morning services when the students tend to be tired from activities and sun the day before! Several students were saved and many rededicated their lives to God.  17 were filled with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues during the Thursday morning session; 5 of those were from BelieversWay Amarillo! 

Youth pastors selected certain students from their group to participate in Impact Ministry Training led by Pastor Laurie Glazener.  In these special sessions, Mrs. Laurie taught the students on a much deeper level since these students were chosen as leaders by their youth pastors. She equipped them with tools to stand strong even when challenges come.  She put a demand on these students to be leaders even in the general services and their camp bunks throughout the week.

During the morning sessions, youth pastors and volunteer leaders were also ministered to by outstanding men and women of God who have years of experience in ministry.  The leaders were reminded of the “the cost” of ministry and to always put their time with Jesus and their families first!  They were also encouraged to reach out to those that are often overlooked and to keep the love of God as the focus of everything they do. On the last day, the group gathered around one couple who serve as senior pastors but brought their kids to camp.  The group prayed over them for refreshing and encouragement!  It was “iron sharpening iron” and a sweet time as fellow ministers/leaders spurred each other on in their callings.

After services in the morning, students went out to play team games.  When they arrived at camp they were given a colored bracelet which designated which team they were on. Students were not placed on church teams but were actually put together with students from various churches to encourage them to meet new people and make new friends. The students competed in relay games, Bible trivia, and The Great Race!  The students and leaders dressed out to show spirit for their team with some dressing head to toe in their color! Afterwards, students enjoyed paintball, swimming, archery, ropes course, the slip-n-slide, an obstacle course, the Snack Shack, and more.

Each night, the services began with pre-service prayer.  These moments were life-changing as students learned to increase their expectancy and believe for great things in the evening services. Several churches performed powerful dramas and skits or shared funny videos they had made.  BelieversWay Amarillo brought three videos and a “star was born.”  Blake Duffendack (who was the performer in the BWC videos—“A Break with Blake”) quickly became a camp favorite!  The evening services began each night with a silly game (hosted by Blake and a leadership team from BWC). Wednesday was “Nerd Night.”  The students and leaders dressed up as nerds and the best dressed were chosen to play a game.  This night was hilarious and the students had a lot of fun!

The worship was outstanding as the students and leaders ran to the front each night and worshipped with intensity with Impact Camp Band led by Pastor Josh Siratt and band members from the various churches represented at camp.  During the time of worship many students said they grew closer to God, heard God speak to them about their future, and were touched by His presence. Psalmist Josh Siratt sang out many beautiful songs by the Spirit, sang prophetically over many who were there, and challenged everyone to go deeper in worship than ever before!

Pastors Josh and Sandy Siratt, Pastor Mike Glazener, and Pastor Roger Siratt spoke during the evening services.  These were amazing services in God’s presence.  Healings (physical and emotional), miracles, words of knowledge, and an outbreak of joy in the Spirit took place each night as the students opened their hearts to the Lord! On the last night, many of the students answered the call to ministry by coming forward and having hands laid on them by camp leaders.

We have had many reports from students and leaders that their lives were changed forever and that their groups came back more on fire for God!  We are thankful to God for the unity among the churches.  As we came together as the Body of Christ and each brought our supply, God moved mightily!  We are looking forward to next year already!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Masterpiece Women's Retreat-May 2011-Lakeview Baptist Camp

I was honored to speak at the Masterpiece Women's Retreat hosted by TCC Family Church. Pastor Sallie asked each speaker to choose one woman from the Bible, study her life of faith, and share with the group what we learned from her journey. I chose Ruth, and I discovered a beautiful picture of redemption and a type-and-shadow of OUR "kinsman redeemer"-Jesus. I used paintings projected on the wall to illustrate the story of Ruth as I taught. At one point I was overwhelmed by the anointing as I saw a picture displayed on the wall behind me of Naomi holding Obed as a young baby. The picture was a portrait of how powerfully God moved on Ruth's behalf due to her complete devotion and obedience. Ruth's faith brought restoration to her family, especially to her mother-in-law Naomi. Please take a moment to read or re-read the book of Ruth! God is so gracious and merciful that if we are willing to surrender everything to Him, and trust Him completely, He will bring about all that He promised! Redemption was the theme of the Book of Ruth, and it led me to speak about our redemption through the precious Blood of Jesus. Other ladies shared the stories of Rahab, Esther, and Sarah. A common thread connected all of the biblical women we studied--faith and courage. Each one was a shining example of a woman God can use in a mighty way! It was a refreshing time. We laughed, scrap-booked (one spread for each woman of the Bible), and enjoyed the Word. There was such a sweetness of His presence there.