I was honored to speak at the Masterpiece Women's Retreat hosted by TCC Family Church. Pastor Sallie asked each speaker to choose one woman from the Bible, study her life of faith, and share with the group what we learned from her journey. I chose Ruth, and I discovered a beautiful picture of redemption and a type-and-shadow of OUR "kinsman redeemer"-Jesus. I used paintings projected on the wall to illustrate the story of Ruth as I taught. At one point I was overwhelmed by the anointing as I saw a picture displayed on the wall behind me of Naomi holding Obed as a young baby. The picture was a portrait of how powerfully God moved on Ruth's behalf due to her complete devotion and obedience. Ruth's faith brought restoration to her family, especially to her mother-in-law Naomi. Please take a moment to read or re-read the book of Ruth! God is so gracious and merciful that if we are willing to surrender everything to Him, and trust Him completely, He will bring about all that He promised! Redemption was the theme of the Book of Ruth, and it led me to speak about our redemption through the precious Blood of Jesus. Other ladies shared the stories of Rahab, Esther, and Sarah. A common thread connected all of the biblical women we studied--faith and courage. Each one was a shining example of a woman God can use in a mighty way! It was a refreshing time. We laughed, scrap-booked (one spread for each woman of the Bible), and enjoyed the Word. There was such a sweetness of His presence there.